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🔥 2025 Hot Off The Press! 🔥
Brought To You By Dr. Steve G. Jones 
(World-Renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist) 
& Dr. Joe Vitale (World's #1 Self-Help Guru) 

Discover How The Tragic Story of A 13-Year Old Girl From Columbia Led Scientists To Discover What Experts Are Now Calling The 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality

PLUS: How To Gain Access To This 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality With The New, HOPE Method So You Can Tap Into ‘The Esoteric Internet’ … And Live A Fulfilled, Joyful, And Peaceful Life By Manifesting Anything And Everything You Want Into Your Life Effortlessly

*** Proven By Clinical Professors and Researchers at the Columbia and Yale Medical School!


I want you to remember this word — especially in 2025.

I want you to plant the word deep inside your mind.

Because in a few minutes…

You’ll discover why the word HOPE could be the answer you’ve been looking for to:

  • Free yourself from unwanted emotional pain
  • ​Become incredibly healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • ​Attract and manifest UNLIMITED wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  • ​Discover your true purpose and passion in this world
  • ​And many more

And no, this HOPE is not the ‘hope’ that you might be familiar with…

Where you’re anxiously expecting and waiting for something to happen or come into your life.

This HOPE is different... 

Because this HOPE is a method…

In fact, it is short for…

Hidden Opportunity for Personal Enhancement (HOPE)...

And it holds the key to be in-tune ‘The Esoteric Internet’...

Which is a pool of energy fields that acts as ‘the source’ of everything in the Universe.

That’s why The HOPE Method is hot off the press now.

Because for the first time in human history…

We’ve discovered a way to tap into the 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality...

And Access
'The Esoteric Internet'

Here’s the thing though…

The reason why you’re:
  • Unfulfilled with your life
  • Experiencing a sense of emptiness
  • Consumed by negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs
  • Feel stuck, lost, and desperate about life

Is because…

You Are Disconnected From
'The Esoteric Internet'

Now before you think that The HOPE Method is some ‘voodooistic’ stuff…

Rest assured, it’s not. 

Because The HOPE Method is created based on proven scientific research.

In fact, you’ll soon discover how The HOPE Method was created…

From a story of a young 13-year old teenage girl from Columbia…

Who went through perhaps one of the most traumatic life events that anyone could go through…

That ultimately steered her to fall into a catastrophic depressive slump at a very young age…

To become perhaps the catalyst for a historical scientific discovery that eventually led scientists to discover the…

The 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality

And if you’re wondering whether The HOPE Method will work for you…

Have no doubt, because what The HOPE Method does…

Is that it activates a specific area of your brain…

Which we’re going to cover in a few seconds…

That allows you to access the 
'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality.

This means The HOPE Method works for ANYONE…

Because EVERYONE Has A Brain

So don’t worry if you’ve never had any spiritual experiences before…

Or you’ve never had any luck when trying to attract or manifest the wealth or abundance that you’ve been wanting.

The best part of it all?

You won’t have to:

Do boring meditation that makes you fall asleep easily

Isolate yourself from the world for months or years

Read endless pages of self-development books

Do complicated Yoga postures that might injure you when not done properly

Write thousands of affirmations every day in ‘hopes’ to rewire your subconscious mind and attract the things you want into your life

 In fact, all you need is…

A few minutes of your time every day to let The HOPE Method guide you…

To Transcend Above All The Realms Of Consciousness — Conscious, Subconscious, Personal Unconscious,
And The Collective Unconscious…

And access ‘The Esoteric Internet’…

So you can:

  • Discover the deeper and more spiritual meaning of life
  • ​Achieve the financial and time freedom that you’ve longed for
  • ​Live your life the way you want to
  • ​Receive OUTRAGEOUS amounts of miracles and opportunities
  • ​Have, do, and be anything and everything you want
  • ​And many more

Imagine having the privilege to ask anything and everything you wish to know about life…

AND getting the answer to it…

Imagine knowing EXACTLY what to do when a certain situation arises in your life…

Without stressing over them for hours — even days, weeks, or months…

Imagine becoming absolutely bulletproof to negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs…

Well, it’s all possible when… 

You’re In-Tune With 
'The Esoteric Internet'

In fact, when you’re in-tune with 'The Esoteric Internet'...

You’ll no longer seek to be spiritual…

You’ll no longer seek to be peaceful…

You’ll no longer seek to be fulfilled…

Because when you are already in-tune with 'The Esoteric Internet'...

You’ll Also Be In-Tune With
Everything That Associates With It

  • Spirituality
  • ​Wealth
  • ​Abundance
  • ​Peace
  • ​Fulfillment

It’s all yours.

Which Is Why I Want You To STOP
Everything You’re Doing Right Now…

And pay very close attention to what I’m about to reveal.

Because this is HUGE…

And honestly...

This Might Be The Last And Final Letter You’ll 
Read If You’ve Been Looking For Ways To
Transform Your Life 180°

Hi, my name is Dr. Joe Vitale.

I’m a world-renowned personal development expert…

Who has over 35+ years of experience in helping people create the lives they desire and deserve.

I’m also the author of over 75+ books on a wide range of personal development topics…

Including The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else)...

Which became a #1 Best-Seller twice (even beating the latest Harry Potter book).

But that’s not all…

For over three decades, I’ve helped transform thousands of lives around the globe…

Go from anxious, stressed, uncertain, and lost…

To discover their true purpose and passion in life…

Become more spiritually inclined and awakened…

So they can attract more wealth, abundance, and prosperity into their lives…

And live a life of fulfillment and peace.

Now, I’m on a mission to help THOUSANDS more…

To transcend beyond the standard spiritual plane…

And access 'The Esoteric Internet'.

So they can:

  • Free themselves from unwanted emotional pain
  • ​Become incredibly healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • ​Attract and manifest UNLIMITED wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  • ​Discover their true purpose and passion in this world
  • ​And many more

So, without waiting any longer…

What’s The Story Behind 
The HOPE Method?

It all started from a tragic murder story of Iliana’s father.

Iliana was still a thirteen-year-old girl when it happened.

She and her father just had a deli on the 194th…

When two ‘high’ guys came in and tried to rob her father.

One guy was holding her father from the back…

While the other one tries to take away as much stuff as he can from Iliana’s father.

But it didn’t end there.

They Shot Him Afterwards — Iliana’s Father

And they did it right in front of her.

Her life went downhill ever since.

With the loss of her beloved father…

She had to live with her mother and grandmother now.

See, her mother was an addict…

And was barely home most of the time.

Which means Iliana had to stay with her grandmother who was very strict.

She’s not allowed to go outside her apartment except to go to school.

Feeling under siege almost all the time…

She Often Barricaded 
Herself In Her Room

No amount of effort would make her come out.

She was so persistent to stay inside… 

And she would cry and scream underneath her pillow all night long. 

Things weren’t different for Iliana when she’s at school.

At school, she was crying all day long… 

Her grades were declining rapidly.

Feeling worried…

Her Teacher Asked Her To Seek The 
School Guidance Counselor…

Iliana was then sent to Columbia Presbyterian’s outpatient Children’s Anxiety and Depression clinic… 

For a check-up to see if she is suffering from depression.

Which would eventually lead to a chain of events that not only turned Iliana’s life around…

But also led scientists to discover what experts are now calling…

The 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality

Upon arriving at the clinic…

Iliana was tested using a standard screener to assess her symptoms of depression…

Where the machine will tell specific scores to determine Iliana’s levels of depression.

A score of 0-4 means zero depression…

5-9 means mild depression…

10-14 means moderate depression…

15-19 means moderately severe…

20-27 means very severe.

On her first diagnosis…

Iliana Scored 27

And the doctor soon saw how dire Iliana’s situation was.

They tried various therapy methods that were very effective for other patients.

As weeks passed…

Iliana’s Score Continued 
To Stay The Same

None of the therapy methods seemed to be helping Iliana at all.

But what came after that was truly shocking. 

And you might have never guessed what happens next…

Iliana Had Found 
Her Own Cure…

Which eventually led scientists into a rabbit hole of the human mind… 

And ultimately led a group of scientists to discover a specific part of the human brain that when activated…

Can battle all sorts of problems, toxicity, and negativity…

From anxiety, uncertainty, stress…

And yes…

Even Depression…


When this specific part of the human brain is activated… 

You can even tap into spirituality almost on demand…

Even better…

You can transcend beyond multiple consciousness realms…

From the conscious, subconscious, personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious…

And experience a greater and deeper connection with 'The Esoteric Internet'.

So What Exactly 
Happened To Iliana?

A couple of weeks after the ceremony of her father’s death… 

Iliana walked into her usual Tuesday appointment…

Except this time… 

She looked:

  • Fully transformed
  • ​Completely energized
  • Glowing
  • ​Cheerful

And her depression score?

From Her Previous 27…

That’s not the best part…

After weeks of consistent tests…

She continued to score VERY low on the depression screener… 

Experiencing little to no depression symptoms.

And when asked about what changed for her…

Iliana always answered:

“I Had Felt A Mystical, Direct-Awareness 
Of My Father’s Spirit.”

Iliana’s experience brought nothing but endless questions to scientists and researchers.

Could spirituality be the answer?

Could a connection with a spirit or 'The Esoteric Internet' be the key?

That’s when Dr. Miller — alongside her partner, Dr. Brad Peterson from Columbia University started investigating… 

They examined the brain structures of 131 people…

Half of which had a family history of depression…

While the other half had a family history of being spiritual.

The results were astonishing.

Here’s what they discovered:

As you can see…

The high spirituality brain (left) has red patches at least FIVE times the size of the small flecks compared to the low spirituality brain (right)…

This means the high spiritual brain is more active compared to the low spirituality brain.

And more brain activity is often related to… 

Better Cognitive Performance 
And Better Brain Health

These findings suggested that… 

People with a high spiritual brain not only have higher cognitive functions than average people with a low spiritual brain…  

But they are also more protected from negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

It’s almost like the brain has its own ‘energy field’ to protect itself.  

This is also why most spiritual people are calmer, more relaxed, and more at peace than regular people…

In fact, it is that sense of calmness and stress-free state that allows them to access the 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality… 


Experience A Greater Sense Of Connection With
'The Esoteric Internet'

A new study published by Yale scientists further proves this. 

They stated:

"When we feel a sense of connection with something greater than the self — whether transcendence or communication with God, nature, or humanity — a certain part of the brain called the ‘Parietal Cortex’ (which is the 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality) begins to activate."

They even tested this theory on 27 healthy adults.

The neuroscientists scanned the brain activity of these 27 healthy adults when they were in their transcended states…

And discovered that the thing that makes a person feel connected to something greater than themselves appears to have the same effects on their 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality…  

“It’s As If They Have Their Own ‘Inner Sanctuary’ To Retreat To When They Need A Spiritual
Awakening Or Enlightenment

In other words… 

People with a high spiritual brain not only are more protected from stress, anxious, and depressed… 

But they can also tap into their own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality within themselves at any time… 

And even better… 

Experience A Deeper And Greater Connection With 
'The Esoteric Internet'

Upon knowing this, I knew there’s only one thing to do if I want to help you: 

  • Be content and fulfilled with your life
  • Experience a sense of oneness with 'The Esoteric Internet'
  • Be surrounded by positive and uplifting emotions, thoughts, and beliefs
  • Feel happy, joyful, and cheerful every time you wake up in the morning

I need to create something that will guide you to tap into your own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality…

So you can connect with ‘The Esoteric Internet’...

And experience all the benefits from being in-tune with ‘The Esoteric Internet’...

Such as:

  • Freeing yourself from unwanted emotional pain
  • ​Becoming incredibly healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • ​Attracting and manifesting UNLIMITED wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  • ​Discovering your true purpose and passion in this world
  • ​And many more
In other words…

To make sure you transform your life 180°…

I had to make sure that you get the BEST.

Which is why I’ve partnered with the BEST when it comes to working with the human brain.

And there’s no better man to partner with than Dr. Steve G. Jones.

Dr. Steve G. Jones
  • America’s #1 Hypnosis expert
  • ​World-renowned personal development expert who has over 30 years of experience helping people create the lives they desire and deserve
  • ​Has coached an extensive client list of celebrities and influencers, such as Kevin Harrington on The Original Shark Tank and Tom Mankiewicz, Writer of Superman the Movie
  • ​A certified clinical hypnotherapist and meditation specialist since the 1980s
  • ​Author of over 22 books on self-help therapy.
  • ​Featured multiple times on Forbes and People Magazine
  • ​Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and President of the American Alliance of Hypnotists.

Dr. Steve and I worked together for months…

Spending quite some money to do research, hire a team, etc… 

To bring you the most-advanced method ever created to help you tap into your own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality… 

So you can be in-tune with 'The Esoteric Internet'...

And experience all the magic and blessings that come with it.

And today, you can be its pioneer.

We are proud to introduce to you…


The HOPE™ Method goes beyond ANYTHING that Dr. Steve and I had previously created before… 

We go above than just helping you experience a spiritual awakening or awakening…

We created a method to help you tap into your own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality…

So you can become one with 'The Esoteric Internet'... 

And ask for advanced spiritual knowledge…

That will then allow you to:

  • Free yourself from unwanted emotional pain
  • Become incredibly healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • Attract and manifest UNLIMITED wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  • ​Discover your true purpose and passion in this world
  • ​And many more!


How does The HOPE™ Method help you transcend beyond realms of consciousness…

And tap into your own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality…

So you can experience a greater and deeper sense of connection with 'The Esoteric Internet'?

Here’s The Unique 3-Step Approach To 
The HOPE™ Method That Allows You To Tune With 
‘The Esoteric Internet’

Step 1: Awaken From The Trance
  • See, everyone is in their own form of trance. 
  • But what I’m about to reveal goes against every understanding about trance that you’ve been told or taught. Trance is actually the limiting factor of your potential! So forget about the need to be in trance so you can get into the altered state of mind.
  • Say you’re a mom, then you’re in a mom trance. Meaning, you are limited to what a mom can have, do, or be. If you’re an author (like me), you are in the author trance. Then you are limited to what an author can have, do, or be. 
  • But that’s all that you’ll ever be!
  • And that's just the known trances. There are other trances out there that yo might be trapped in but not aware of. But with the HOPE™ Program... 
  • You'll be able to not only identify them, but also break free from them so you can finally touch your goals with bare hands.
 Step 2: ASK™ Technology
 Step 3: Tap Into Your Own Unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality

It’s THAT simple.

Just by following these unique, 3 simple-steps within The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

You’ll receive the answers on how to:

  • FREE yourself from unwanted emotional pain
  • Discover the deeper and more spiritual meaning of life
  • ACHIEVE the financial and time freedom that you’ve longed for
  • Live your life the way you want to
  • Receive OUTRAGEOUS amounts of miracles and opportunities
  • Have, do, and be anything and everything you want
  • Become INCREDIBLY healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • Discover your true purpose and passion in this world
  • Improve your relationship with your loved ones

Yes, Even Attracting And Manifesting
Unlimited Wealth, Prosperity, And Abundance

Now although all these sounds great…

Maybe it even got you at the edge of your seat…

You have to understand one thing…

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology is not some “Oh, I don’t need it now” kind of method.

It’s not a “Should I or should I not…” kind of option either.

It’s A MUST-HAVE Especially 
In Such Uncertain Times…

Here’s why.

Take a look at the news…

Or recent world events…

Or even dramas happening around you…

What do they have in common?

They fill your head with:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration

The result?

The Inability To Access Your Own Unique
'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality

So, every day you don’t have The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology by your side…

You are letting these subtle ‘prosperity-killers’ take away your joy and happiness.

In other words… 

Every day you don’t have The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology… 

You are putting yourself in a vulnerable position to feelings like: feeling low, powerless, and helpless.

Which does nothing but derail your self-development progress…

And take you further away from your goals and dreams.

Truth is…

It Doesn’t Have To 
Be This Way…

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology will always be there for you no matter what.

When you follow the unique, 3 simple steps of The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

You’ll begin to notice massive changes after a few days.

Questions like:

“Hmm, how come that idea didn’t occur to me before?”


“Hmm, why did I even feel that way before?”

…will be your new normal.

You’ll find yourself feeling more calm, relaxed, and at peace every single day…

You’ll start to experience more magic and miracles occur in your life… 

And suddenly, you’ll realize how much wealth and abundance were there in your life all along…

You Just Didn’t Know That There’s Something
Preventing You From Manifesting Them Into Reality

This is the EXACT reason why I invested an enormous amount of time, money, and energy into researching The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology with Dr. Steve.

We want to make sure you become unbreakable and impenetrable from these never ending ‘prosperity-killers’ around you.

Which is why you need The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Techology.

What Makes The HOPE™ Program Feat
ASK™ Technology Even MORE Special Is… 

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology has 7 instant-action and easy-to-consume demonstration video modules…

This is to ensure you not only understand the concept of The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

But also use it to create noticeable change and transformation in your life.

That way…

You Can Get MORE Results FASTER

Because when you know how to tap into your own 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality… 

You’ll receive an UNLIMITED amount of wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration… 

And manifest more wealth, abundance, and prosperity… 

So you can go on to create the dream life you’ve been longing for.   

Because from the second you use The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

You’ll soon see how much difference your newly awakened brain impacts your life, from:

  • Feeling more fulfilled than ever in your life
  • Having a deeper sense of purpose and meaningfulness in your life
  • Being surrounded by positive, supporting, and vibrant energy and thoughts
  • ​And many more!

Furthermore, you’ll receive an OUTRAGEOUS amount of miracles and opportunities that get you closer to…

Being able to have, do, or be anything and everything you’ve ever wanted in this world.

So, What Exactly Is Inside The 
HOPE™ Program Feat ASK™ Technology
That's Worth $297 Easily?

Module 1 — Introduction
  • How to find HOPE (Hidden Opportunity For Personal Enhancement) within you — especially in such uncertain times
  • The ONE crucial tip before you go through the whole program to ensure MAXIMUM and PERMANENT result (please do NOT neglect this crucial tip)
  • And many more!
 Module 2 — Awakening From The Trance
 Module 3 — Self-Reflection: The First Step to Spiritual Awakening
 Module 4 — The Esoteric Internet
 Module 5 — The Untapped Power of Creative Visualization
 Module 6 — Tapping The Knowledge of Parallel Universes
 Module 7 — Into The Realm of Time: Living in the Present Moment

Oh and just to make things EVEN sweeter... 

Dr. Steve And I Decided To 
Give You These AMAZING Bonuses!

Bonus #1: The Advanced HOPE Method ($197 Value)

This advanced version of The HOPE Method has 8 concise modules that’s separated into three different parts.

Which includes:

Part 1 — Tapping Into The Mystical Realm 

  • How to enter The Kingdom of Crystal that holds knowledge that is deeper, vaster, more mystical, more mysterious, and more spiritual than most knowledge you’ve encountered
  • How to tap into the deeper layers of consciousness and use it to resolve inner conflicts, enhancing emotional awareness, creating authentic connection with others, and reduce negativity around you
  • How to tap into the inherent of The Goddess Lakshmi (a symbol of wealth and prosperity) and attract more wealth and prosperity into your life 

Part 2 — Harnessing Cosmic Energy For Spiritual Enlightenment

  • Cosmic energy is the vital life force that exists in all things within the Universe. This means it’s also inside of you. Here’s how to awaken the cosmic energy within you and harness its power for spiritual enlightenment
  • How would you like the idea of exploring your inner supreme-self? Your inner self that is free from the grips of stress, anxiety, and frustration. You’ll discover how to explore your inner supreme-self by surrendering to the Universe

Part 3 — Entering A State of Eternal Peace

  • Discover the ‘spirit’ hack that takes you out of the known reality to the ‘miraculous’ reality that allows you to get the wisdom and advanced spiritual knowledge you've been 'unconsciously' seeking
  • How to co-create a new reality with the advanced spiritual knowledge that you received from the ‘miraculous’ reality and the parallel universe
  • ​How’d you like the idea of achieving, and staying in a state of eternal peace and bliss? This FINAL part of The Advanced HOPE Method program shows you how to attain a higher state of consciousness through nirvana (a transcended state which stress, pain, and suffering cease to exist)

Bonus #2: Your Private Advanced HOPE 
Immersion Session ($197 Value)

This is a professionally recorded 8 immersion session of the Advanced HOPE Method program that will guide you through all three parts of the program…

These sessions will help you tap into the mystical realm that allows you to receive deeper, vaster, and more advanced spiritual knowledge…

Harnessing the cosmic energy for spiritual enlightenment so you can break free from the grips of stress, anxiety, and frustration…

And even explore your inner supreme-self… 

So that you can achieve an eternal state of peace and bliss.

Trust me, people around you would line up to ask what’s your secret. And today, it’s up to you whether to share this with them.  

Bonus #3: Your Personal HOPE Workbook  & Session Transcripts 
($47 Value)

Last but not least, your personal HOPE workbook & session transcripts.

This is not some blank page, or big fat font-sized book that is well… you know yourself — to make the program look good but offers no additional value.

Your personal HOPE workbook & session transcripts is where you track your progress and keep up with the whole HOPE Method program (as well as the advanced).

Because after all, how can you know you’ve progressed, if you don’t know you’ve progressed? 

Now Imagine Your New Life With The 
HOPE™ Program Feat ASK™ Technology...

Imagine your connection to 'The Esoteric Internet' goes deeper and deeper each day…

Imagine yourself unlocking more ability to attract wealth and abundance into your life as time passes… 

And imagine for every day that passes…

You’re one day closer to living your dream life…    

  • A life free from stress
  • A life where you have more to give
  • ​​A life where you’re filled with a sense of purpose.

Just imagine going from being stuck in life financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually…

And wondering when will the vicious ‘roller-coaster ride’ cycle end… 

To be able to go BEYOND multiple levels of consciousness…

And tap into your own unique 'Neurobiological Home' of Spirituality… 

Even become one with 'The Esoteric Internet'... 

So you are filled with spiritual knowledge you NEVER knew existed.

Knowledge that will help you:    

  • Attract and manifest an UNLIMITED amount of wealth and abundance into your life…
  • Have, do, or be anything and everything you want…
  • Transform your life financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

In short…

The HOPE™ Program Feat ASK™ Technology 
Will Morph Your Life — Inside Out

And what if I tell you that we barely even scratch the surface with The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology?

Yes! There’s so much more in fact…

That explaining it all would cost you days only by reading it.

So why not just try The HOPE Method and experience all the dramatic transformations yourself? 

The HOPE™ Program Feat
ASK™ Technology

Now you might be wondering… 

“What? 730 Days?”

Yes, I’m giving you TWO-FULL YEARS to just test-drive The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology.

Now, with a total value of $738… 

If you were to ask me if it’s worth it to get The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology and use it to connect with 'The Esoteric Internet'...

And receive spiritual knowledge that we never knew existed out there…

And use it to attract and manifest MORE wealth and abundance…

And use it to find a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life…

Which also means being free from the stresses, anxiety, and uncertainty that modern life presents to us on a day-to-day basis…  

I Would Say It’s 

With The HOPE Method…

You’ll transcend beyond the conscious, subconscious, personal unconscious, and EVEN the collective unconscious realm…

And connect and become one directly with 'The Esoteric Internet' and tap into its vast and limitless intelligence.

In other words… 

The Amount Of Transformation You’ll Experience
In All Areas Of Your Life Are LIMITLESS

So $738 is more of a ‘STEAL’ if you’re asking me.

But today, since you are the ‘pioneer’ of The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

This also means you gain early-access privilege…

And for that reason…

You won’t need to invest $738 for The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology…

Not even $197…

But today…

You can immediately use The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology and experience all the benefits and transformations for…

ONLY $57.

Now if you were to ask… 

What If All The HOPE™ Program 
Feat ASK™ Technology Did For You Was 
Only To ‘Make You Feel Good Temporarily’?

Well, in that case…

I would simply return it.

And you should too.

Which is why you are protected by my…   

730-Days "Results of Return" 
100% Money-Back Guarantee

Use The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology today, tomorrow, and so on… 

And start opening more doors for wealth and abundance to come into your life… 

More knowledge, wisdom, or inspiration flow through you almost effortlessly… 

And feel a greater sense of connection and oneness with 'The Esoteric Internet'... 

So you can finally attract and manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of for YEARS. 

And if for any reason (even no reason) you feel that The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology is not everything I described it to be… 

Simply contact me here: and I’ll refund 100% of your investments immediately.

I’m basically taking all the risks on my shoulders by letting you use The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology for absolutely FREE for the next TWO YEARS. 

But I’m doing that because I know this will work wonders for you. 

This will change your life. And the risk-free investment you’re putting will only be put into keeping the site up… 

So more people can experience the same benefits and transformations as you. 

Truth is… 

I don’t want you to worry whether this is for you…

Or whether you’re ready…

Because long as you have a brain (which you have — otherwise you won’t be able to read this)...

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology WILL work for you.

But still, with that assurance…   

I Don’t Want You To Feel Like You’re 
Taking ANY Risks…

Which is why I’m letting you try The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology for the next 730-Days.

That’s right.

For the next TWO FULL YEARS… 

You get to play around with The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology.

All you have to do is click the red button below and get The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology.

Then, you can download the modules inside…

So you can listen to it whenever and wherever you want.

Then, once you get the basics (which are VERY easy to understand)...

You can start test-driving The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology.

As you can see…

There’s ZERO need for:  

  • Complicated Yoga postures…
  • Endless breathwork…
  • Scouring over hundreds of pages of a book… 


You Don’t Even Need To Do ANY Changes
In Your Lifestyle Or Routines…

Just follow along with the modules…

As well as the simple and VERY actionable steps (which only takes LESS than 2 minutes to do)... 

And experience miracles happen.

In short…

You either:

Feel a greater sense of connection and oneness with 'The Esoteric Internet'... 

Start opening more doors for wealth and abundance to come into your life…

Have wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration (even creative, money-making ideas) flow through you effortlessly…

So you can attract and manifest the life you desire…

Or you get your investments back.


No hassle.
No hard feelings.
No questions asked.

This way, I assure you that…

The risks are COMPLETELY off your shoulders…

And there’s nothing for you to worry about.

Now I Want You 
To Remember…

It took me and Dr. Steve OVER THREE DECADES to discover this breakthrough method.

And it definitely took us a lot of money, energy, and time to look for scientific proof and experiments done across the globe.

And we haven’t even mentioned the sacrifices made to create The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology.

So it’s best if you take action now…

And become a pioneer for what probably is… 

The Most ROBUST 
Method Out There…

Especially when it comes to helping you:   

  • Break-free from your emotional pain
  • Change your inner limiting beliefs to new and empowering ones
  • Have the power to create your own reality
  • ​Turn your dream life into your new life
  • ​Become incredibly healthy in body, mind, and spirit
  • ​Attract and manifest UNLIMITED wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  • ​Discover your true purpose and passion in this world
  • ​Have better, more harmonious, and long-lasting relationship
  • ​And many more


You get to test this scientifically proven, breakthrough, and cutting-edge method… 

Absolutely FREE For The Next TWO YEARS

Now I want you to keep this in mind…

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology is a result of over THREE DECADES of generational research, tests, and experiments…

Including scientific proof, results, and discovery conducted by world-renowned publications… 

That proves that you can:

  • Feel a greater sense of connection and oneness with 'The Esoteric Internet'... 
  • Start opening more doors for wealth and abundance to come into your life…
  • Have wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration (even creative, money-making ideas) flow through you effortlessly…
  • ​And attract and manifest the life you desire…

Just by activating a specific part of the brain. 

And The Way I See It…

You’re kind of coming to a crossroads now.

And there are two options in front of you:

Option 1: Do NOTHING

Stay stuck. Keep having negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts crawl up on you… Making you feel as if you’re living life in slow motion… And hoping that there’s something out there that can help you. 

Option 2: Say “Maybe” to The HOPE™ Program Feat ASK™ Technology

Try it out for the next 730-Days (2 FULL Years)... and see if it helps you. See how it feels like to transcend beyond the conscious, subconscious, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious realms… 

See wealth and abundance start to pour into your life like Niagara Falls… See how easy it is to have ideas, inspirations, knowledge, and wisdom when you are one with 'The Esoteric Internet'. 

Experience what it’s like to truly live a happy, peaceful, and fulfilled life — without stress, negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts crawling up on you

This is not a hard decision.

Because I never intended it to be.

In fact, I’d rather say this is rather a fun and exciting decision for you. 

Because NEITHER Of These Decisions 
Costs You In ANY Way

Option 1 doesn’t cost you anything…

But you end up being stuck at where you are right now — for who knows how long.

Option 2 doesn’t cost you anything…

But you may be able to change the trajectory and momentum of your life. 

The HOPE™ Program 
Feat ASK™ Technology 

Just imagine how life would be when you’re not stressing about work all the time!

Imagine what it’s like to feel calm, relaxed, and at peace no matter what situation arises in front of you.

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed every morning, because you had a deep and restorative sleep the night before…

Because you are just so calm, relaxed, and at peace, that nothing BOTHERS you anymore!

And when nothing can BOTHER you…

In other words…

Your mind is clear from negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts.

And frankly… 

That too…  

Is When Your Manifestation
Will Start Flowing Into Your Life…

As well as knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration…

And yes, even money-making ideas…

They will all flow into your life effortlessly.

That’s a tiny glimpse of…

How your life would look if you have a greater connection and oneness with 'The Esoteric Internet'.

Your life seems to shift to the ‘high life’.

But that’s NOT going to happen…

If you procrastinate and don’t take any action today.

So, hold my hand…

And take a leap of faith… 

Test-drive it for 730-Days.

Click on the red button below, and fill out your information on the next page.

Once you completed it…

The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology is yours to use however you want.

You can access it online, or you can download it to your device (so you can access it wherever and whenever you want)...

And then, as days, weeks, months, even years pass…

You’ll start to see the difference. 

  • More wealth and abundance
  • More inspirations, ideas, and wisdom
  • More happiness, joy, and peace
  • A deeper and greater connection with 'The Esoteric Internet'
  • A great sense of meaning and purpose in life

And most importantly…

Your life will become more fulfilling… 

Because you’ll be free from all negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

So what do you say?

If you want to take the leap of faith…

And test-drive The HOPE™ Program feat ASK™ Technology for the next 730-Days… 

Then click on the button below.

I’ll be waiting to hear your success story.

And as I always like to say…

Expect miracles!



Address: 6920 S. Cimarron Road Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89113, USA
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Call Us: 877-94-HYPNO | 718-833-5299
Copyright (C) 2025, Statbrook Associates, LLC